Handwritten Review
In today’s world of instant communication with canned responses, suggested replies, and voice dictation; customer and especially company voices can get lost. Emails, social media, company reviews, and text messages are commonplace while receiving a handwritten card or letter in the mail is extremely rare nowadays. Even though technology has changed the way we communicate, receiving a handwritten, personalized note still touches our emotions in a way instant communication tools have yet to achieve. From a company perspective, 5-star reviews are appreciated as it shares the experience with other potential customers, receiving a handwritten note from a customer expresses gratitude and recognition on a much more personal level.
Jesus and Dustin earned this honor form Sheila D. Here is what she had to say-
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amazing work you did restoring our home. Your professionalism, attention to detail, and compassionate care you have shown us, far surpasses anything I have experienced working with a company. You truly were instrumental in reducing much of the stress we have had in dealing with the damage from the fire and insurance. If ever CVE needs a personal reference, please feel free to use me.
You were outstanding. I am so grateful for all your help.
– Sheila D.