Demolition Services

CVE Deconstruction Services service page images

Deconstruction is a green alternative to traditional demolition. This is a result of growing environmental awareness, increasing building materials costs, and evolving legislation. The purpose of our deconstruction services program is to identify suitable buildings for deconstruction; safely dismantle them by hand to harvest maximum materials, and then re-sell the materials at discounted prices. Our crew has been trained in safety, proper tool use, and careful removal of building materials; per California State guidelines.

CVE Demolition & Recycling service page images

Our CVE project management team has over 30 years of combined experience demolishing various commercial, industrial, governmental, and residential buildings. CVE has a solid reputation in California as a professional demolition contractor and recycling contractor that consistently meets customer needs.

CVE Demolition & Recycling service page images
CVE Demolition Services service page images

At CVE experience and dedication to our clients to perform turnkey demolition services of all types of buildings – commercial, industrial, governmental, and residential across California – safely, on time, and within budget is what sets us apart from our competition. Our operators, field crew, and project management team is second to none and is comprised of individuals that have the necessary experience and knowledge to complete any project regardless of the size or complexity