Today we know all of the harmful side effects of airborne asbestos, but thousands upon thousands of Americans still suffer the consequences of asbestos exposure every year. From lung cancer to mesothelioma and asbestosis, there are multiple health complications that arise from prolonged exposure to airborne asbestos fibres. What’s worse is that it is almost impossible to tell whether you are being poisoned until it is too late; asbestos is silent and invisible.
A lot of homeowners believe they can remove asbestos from their homes by themselves simply by referencing online DIY guides. At Central Valley Environmental, we advise that individuals without any previous asbestos removal experience do not try to do it completely by themselves.
Even though professional asbestos removal services can often be expensive, choosing a reliable company like Central Valley Environmental will effectively removal all of the asbestos in the home according to the highest safety standards.
Moreover, homeowners may not be properly equipped to handle the removal process; they should have polyethylene sheeting and a protective kit loaded with a suit, mask, safety goggles, and gloves. A pump-style water sprayer is also necessary to wet the ceiling and keep dust away.
Once all of the asbestos is scraped away, all of the tools should be bagged away and disposed of. A problem with this method; however, is that homeowners may not effectively scrape away all of the hazardous material. Moreover, homeowners often do not know all of the places that asbestos could potentially be hiding. Asbestos is most commonly found in attics, insulation, floor tiles, textured wall paints, ceiling tiles, and soundproofing materials. Central Valley Environmental’s asbestos removal team has had many years of experience working with asbestos and exactly where it likes to hide.