CVE Corp.’s Safety Measures for Proper Asbestos Removal


Asbestos, by itself, does not pose a real danger; it is only when asbestos is crushed that it breaks down into tiny fibers, too small for the human eye to see. Once these fibers go airborne, it is not possible to smell, feel, or see them.

In order to minimize your risk of exposure to asbestos, it is important to follow proper safety measures for asbestos removal.

  • Keep pets and young children away from the work area.
  • Wet the asbestos material in order to reduce dust, and make sure it is not directly in contact with electricity.
  • Wear protective clothing and once you’re done dispose of the toxic waste appropriately.
  • Tidy up the sealed-off work area when you are finished, using a cloth and not a vacuum cleaner.

Performing your own asbestos removal is ill-advised, because unless you have been fully trained and licensed you may end up missing some of the common areas that asbestos can be found around such as plaster, siding material, linoleum, some paints, vinyl floor tiles, and fiber cement.

Factors that Can Affect Your Risk of Developing an Asbestos-Related Disease

If you suspect that you may have airborne asbestos in the home, call a professional company like CVE Corp. l immediately in order to prevent prolonged exposure. Certain factors can increase your risk of developing asbestos-related disease including:

  • Source of exposure
  • Duration of exposure time
  • Chemical makeup, shape, and size of airborne asbestos fibers
  • Amount of asbestos inhaled
  • Personal factors like smoking or lung disease
The Dangers of Asbestos

When asbestos was first used in the construction of homes, scientists had no idea of its toxic effects over time. Unfortunately, many families still live in older homes without realizing that they may be exposed to the dangers of asbestos poisoning. Diseases like lung cancer and asbestosis appear within 15-20 years of asbestos inhalation. In more serious cases, mesothelioma can develop in individuals who have been exposed for 30 to 40 years.


CONTACT US or call our Northern California office at (707) 584-1900 or our Central Valley office at (559) 222-1122 or our Southern California office at (619) 838-4035 to schedule your FREE site analysis!

At CVE Corp., our fully licensed contractors have over 25 years of experience under their belts and offer asbestos removal, asbestos abatement, demolition services, mold remediation, lead abatement and deconstruction services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers across Sonoma County, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Marin County, San Rafael, Novato, Napa County, Napa, Solano County, East Bay, Modesto, San Francisco, San Louis Obispo, Fresno County, Visalia, Bakersfield and throughout California.