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Common Myths About Asbestos Removal in San Diego

Asbestos is a serious problem when found in a home. There are many negative health side effects connected with its presence, so asbestos removal is a must if it is found in your San Diego property. However, the team at CVE San Diego wants to make sure you understand common myths about asbestos removal and why asbestos is so dangerous.

Here are several of the most common myths surrounding asbestos.

New Properties Mean No Asbestos

In the perfect world that would be the case, but that simply is not true. Asbestos is found in many different materials, including those used in new homes. It is true, newer homes are less likely to use asbestos-based materials, but the only way to know for sure whether asbestos is found in a property is to have it inspected.

Mesothelioma is Contagious

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer within the respiratory system, caused by breathing in asbestos. The asbestos fibers lead to the development of this cancer and other breathing conditions. While serious in nature, this cancer (or other breathing conditions) are not contagious.

It’s Alright to Remove Asbestos Yourself

No. This is false. You may have heard of someone saying they have done this before, but it is not safe at all. Asbestos fibers are easily disturbed and can rest anywhere once exposed. This means even when wearing the necessary protective gear to move asbestos; the fibers may end up elsewhere in the house and even absorbed into the ventilation system, which can send it everywhere in the home. It is not safe to do this, and it is why you must turn to a certified asbestos removal professional such as CVE San Diego.

It’s Possible to Remove Asbestos from Your Body

Sadly no, this is not possible. Unlike like salt where you just drink enough water you’ll flush it out. Once fibers have entered your body, it is impossible to remove it. That is why you need to avoid dealing with asbestos yourself and use professionals.

Contact Our Team for Asbestos Removal Services in San Diego

Asbestos is not something you want to play around with or let linger in your house. CVE San Diego is a professional, certified asbestos removal company in San Diego. We offer free onsite inspections to help you move forward with making your home or commercial space safe.

CVE is the leading expert in Asbestos Abatement and Removal, Demolition Services, Mold Remediation, Lead Abatement and offers services to San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, Bakersfield, Santa Rosa, Fresno, Sonoma County, Fresno County, East Bay, Visalia, Modesto, Marin County, San Diego County, Napa County, Solano County and beyond.