CVE and Your Community During COVID-19
CVE now offers COVID-19 (novel coronavirus 2019) preemptive cleaning on residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.
Recently, Governor Newsom issued a directive N-33-20 regarding a state-wide lockdown for non-essential businesses. Central Valley Environmental is considered an “essential need” under the below regulation and will continue to offer our services at full capacity within projects that fall under the regulations, which can be found here. Find out the regions we serve
Central Valley Environmental is holding daily briefings with all employees to address the following protocols that are to be implemented at all work sites effective immediately:
• Social Distancing
• Proper Hygiene
• All tools and equipment are sanitized prior to entering and exiting the job locations.
• The requirement to report if anyone feels sick or if anyone within an employee’s immediate family has any illness symptoms of any kind.
• Proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) upon entering and exiting any occupied units/dwellings
• Frequent Handwashing – Learn How
We do ask that you let our office know if you or anyone you’ve been in contact with has shown
any symptoms of illness prior to CVE personal arrives on site. You can reach out to our office anytime to make reports.
We are committed to serving our community and we will all get through this difficult time together.